When you join your college buddy or your second cousin to set up a business, a lot of things could get very complicated very fast. Your bank account should not be one of them. Our partnership accounts are simple and straightforward, enabling you focus on running your business.
- Account Opening Form duly completed
- Two (2) independent and satisfactory corporate references
- Form of Identification (for each signatory)
- Resident permits where applicable
- Certificate of Registration (Originals to be sighted)
- Form of Application for Registration, C.T.C (originals to be sighted)
- Partnership Agreement signed by all partners
- Public Utility Receipt-original sighted
- Visitation Report (Resident and Official)
- Risk Assessment Form
- Additional KYC Form
- Mandatory Initial Deposit
- Internet Banking / Corporate internet banking
- Email/SMS Alertz
- Debit card (optional)
- UTB Internet Banking/ Corporate internet banking
- Transaction notification
- In-branch at any UTB Bank branch
- UTB Bank ATM nationwide – free cash withdrawal
- Access your account using your UTB Bank debit card at participating merchant stores for payment of goods and services in Sierra Leone and anywhere in the world