There are bound to be some mistakes during the origination of a transaction either due to the entering of wrong details or the recipient is unable to get access to the funds. The usual reversal process at the bank can sometimes be very length and cumbersome. It can also give more change for the unintended recipient to have access to the fund outside business hours and business days if the bank does not operate a 24/7 call center. This product give the Originator/UTB Mobile App user access to a screen that can allow them to reverse any transaction they have originated that may have issues and needs reversal. This transaction amount will be reversed into their account automatically less the transaction charges.
Security Features and Risk Management
- The Mobile App user can only reverse their own transactions which have not yet been redeemed for UTB ATM Cardlesss transaction and UTB Korpor.
- Transaction fee would not be reversed during this process.
- Amount can only be reversed to the account that it was originated from.